
Physical Challenge

Optimizing nutrition and fitness, living healthy and balanced.

Title for your Tracker App:  “PHYSICAL”

Tracker Description line: “Healthy Choices”

Your PHYSICAL Challenge is to make Healthy Choices. Choose to consume whole foods or exercise daily.

A) Consume “whole foods” for one or more complete meals on days you choose. For the purpose of this challenge, “whole foods” are defined as: natural, grown in the ground or farmed/ fished/hunted. Whole foods include: dairy products with no sugar or chemical flavorings added. Meat, poultry, and fish that is baked, roasted, grilled, or boiled.

Whole foods are eggs, fruits, vegetables, raw nuts and foods free of additives or processing and are generally one ingredient. Including legumes: peas, chickpeas, lentils, peanuts, black beans, etc. Whole foods include single ingredient whole grains, such as: brown rice, rolled oats, farro, quinoa, brown rice pasta, barley. Whole foods can be frozen. Do NOT eat fried foods, junk/processed foods, artificial salad dressings, creamy sauces, sugar or foods made in a factory. Learn more about whole food choices in an interesting overview article, easy recipes.

B) Exercise for 30-minutes daily. Walk, Run, Bike, Hike, Swim or any physical activity to strengthen your body.

BENEFITS: Feel happier, encourage healthy weight loss, benefit your muscles and bones, increase your energy levels, reduce your risk of chronic diseases, and much more! Whole foods are packed with antioxidants and important nutrients including protein, fiber, calcium and healthy fats. Many health experts believe that eating more whole foods is our best bet for improving our health and reducing risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, dementia, gut issues and inflammation. Important fact: whole foods such as dark leafy greens, bananas and beans add magnesium that increases serotonin—the happiness chemical. Eating meals rich in whole unprocessed foods also helps to reduce brain fog, improve our immune system, energy levels and sleep quality.

1 point each DAY you EAT whole foods for one or more complete meals, or exercise for 30-minutes.
To complete the challenge, score 16+ points before the end of the month.
By LAST DAY of month, export your tracker log to: